Learn More About Kybella

What is Kybella®?

  • Kybella® is designed specifically for the “double chin” also known as the submental region that lies beneath the chin

  • Kybella® is an injectable medication made from deoxycholic acid

  • Deoxycholic acid works by dissolving fat cells where it is injected into the body

  • Kybella® was approved by the FDA in April 2015. Prior to its approval, there were two clinical trials that included over 1,000 participants

What area does Kybella® treat and how does it work?

  • Kybella® was designed for the submental region or the “double chin” area

  • This region is difficult to treat and has a tremendous effect on appearance

  • It is often resistant to exercise and diet changes, and problems in the area are usually a direct result of genetics and age

  • Kybella® is a non-surgical alternative to combat issues in the submental region with permanent results 

  • Kybella’s main ingredient, deoxycholic acid, dissolves subcutaneous fat

  • Deoxycholic acid attacks the cell membrane (protective layer of the cell) and causes lysis (cell death)

  • The human body naturally produces and uses deoxycholic acid

  • Our bodies use deoxycholic acid in the intestines for digestion, more specifically for the breakdown and absorption of fats

  • Once Kybella® has dissolved specific fat cells, there is no regeneration of the cells

  • These subcutaneous fat cells have been permanently dissolved

  • The “double chin” will not reappear

  • This process of facial contouring is a long-term solution and alternative to surgical procedures

  • Treatment was previously only possible through liposuction or other surgical treatments

Who makes Kybella®?

  • Kybella® is made by Kythera Pharmaceuticals

Is Kybella® safe?

  • As with any medication, there are always risks and side effects

  • Since Kybella is a permanent solution, it requires careful consideration by a professional

  • Not all patients are good candidates.

Am I a good candidate?

  • A good candidate has moderate to severe subcutaneous fat in the submental region

  • You may NOT be a good candidate if you have a prior history of scarring, skin laxity (looseness), dysphagia, facial neuropraxia, thyromegaly, cervical lymphadenopathy, pronounced submandibular glands, or prominent platysmal bands

  • Please discuss these conditions prior to treatment with your health care provider

Is it painful?

  • Pre-treatment with oral analgesics and topical or injectable anesthetics, such as lidocaine, is highly recommended

  • A cold press prior to and following injections is also recommended to minimize discomfort

How much will I need?

  • The average dose is between 2 - 3 vials per treatment

  • Most patients will require 2 - 3 treatments with 6 – 8 week intervals

How long does the procedure take?

  • Treatment generally takes 20 to 30 minutes

What can I expect during the procedure?

  • A marking pencil will be used to map out the anatomy of your submental region. An adhesive marking grid will be attached to the treatment area

  • Dots are indicated in the grid to ensure proper distancing of injections

  • Most patients can expect around 20 painless injections under the chin

How long will the results last?

  • Kybella® results are permanent

  • Once a fat cell is destroyed it cannot regenerate, therefore it cannot store or accumulate fat in the area again

  • If you weigh the costs over time, it ends up being less expensive than Botox® or Juvéderm® treatments because you never have to repeat future injections

  • Once the fat cells are dissolved, they will not return

How much downtime will I need?

  • Patients should expect bruising and some swelling after the procedure

  • A week of downtime is recommended; however, some require more time than others

  • Do NOT have injections before a big event

  • Most patients only experience mild swelling however 1% of patients will experience severe swelling described as a “bull frog” appearance

How often are injections repeated?

  • Most patients go through a course of about 2 - 4 treatment cycles spaced around 6 - 8 weeks apart

  • Once the desired results are achieved, there is NO need for future injections

  • The cells do NOT regenerate, therefore more injections should NOT be necessary unless further treatment is desired and/or recommended for enhanced contouring

What are the side effects?

  • Side effects might include, but are not limited to, soreness at the injection sites, bruising, bleeding, swelling, pain, numbness, erythema, and induration

Are there any contraindicated medications?

  • Yes, do NOT use Kybella® while using antiplatelet or anticoagulant medications

  • Consult your primary physician to hold these medications at least 7 days prior to injections

  • Do NOT stop any medications without your physician’s consent

What can I do to reduce the risk of bruising?

  • Avoid fish oil, flax seed oil, multivitamins, NSAIDs (including Ibuprofen), and alcohol at least 3 days before injections

  • Consult with your physician about stopping aspirin, Coumadin, or other blood-thinning medications, as these medications increase the risks of bruising and should be stopped at least 7 days prior to your injections

  • An over-the-counter remedy that help reduce bruising is Bromelain, which is a substance found in pineapples and helps prevent bruising. Some find it beneficial to eat pineapple or drink pineapple juice 2 days before receiving injections.

What are my instructions following Kybella injections?

  • Following treatment, you can use cold compresses on the skin to minimize swelling

  • Direct skin contact with ice should be avoided

  • Reduce your UV exposure, and wear SPF 30 or higher sunscreen for at least a week following treatments

  • Report any concerns or questions immediately.

What are the concerns with using Kybella®?

  • Kybella is a permanent solution

  • Although side effects are rare, they are possible

  • Please discuss all concerns with your health care provider

How much does Kybella cost?

  • Kybella is sold by the vial approximately $700/vial

  • Each Kybella treatment session may require 1-3 vials, so fees may be $700-$2100 per session

  • Most patients will spend approximately $3000 for complete resolution of submental fat

  • This may seem costly, but surgery is more expensive, requires an operating room and has more downtime